Five Modes Of Execution

This discourse is concerned only with the application of the specific moves of any given form and does not include other necessary information pertaining to the development of a proficient form, such as breathing, focus, decomposition, etc. The five modes of executing any given form should be practiced individually in order to obtain the most desirable results; they are given here in their order of applicability.

1. Accuracy -
Accuracy denotes the ability to perform a specific movement exactly as it was intended. The first step in dealing with the application of movement is the acquisition of the skills to perform the movements correctly. The movements should be learned individually and collectively until the movements for the entire form can be executed from memory - with accuracy.

2. Fluidity -
The form should be performed with fluidity until all individual movements, collectively, become as one continuous action. A slow constant tempo or rhythm is advantageous for the acquisition of this mode.

3. Speed -
Neither speed nor power should be emphasized until reaching third and fourth modes. Both speed and power enhance only controlled action. (The slowness required in performing newly acquired movements in a fluid manner greatly facilitates the ability to gain control of the movements and therefore, must be learned prior to the addition of speed or power to the form). Gradually increase the speed of both the individual movements and the collectively movements, maintaining a constant tempo. Neither accuracy nor fluidity should be sacrificed by the addition of speed.

4. Power -
When a movement is performed accurately, augmented by speed and fluidity, potential power is the result; potential, because it does not manifest until it is transferred either to an object, by the collision of the movement upon the object, or back into one's own body by the termination of movement. The speed and fluidity of the movements collectively will be thwarted somewhat by the abrupt termination of a movement or group of movements, but not to the extent of appearing rigid. Speed and fluidity must still be maintained during the movement or group of movements prior to each successive cessation.

5. Tempo -
After a moderate degree of proficiency is obtained in each mode, one is prepared to perform the form using the qualitative actions of the four preceding modes, so as to achieve an ever-changing combination of Accuracy, Fluidity, Speed, and Power as the mood of the individual, at that moment, perceives. Never will the movements of the form be performed exactly the same; however, the accuracy and fluidity of the individual movements must remain distinguishably the same, while the speed and power of the movements fluctuate proportionately to the change in tempo.

Class Registration

For information, call: 704.907.5735

Class Time & Location

Tai Chi for the Living Room
Tuesday and Thursday
1505 S. Main St Kannaplois, NC
Esoma KungFu
Coming SOON!
1505 S. Main St Kannaplois, NC